Heater Models + FAQ
Calgary’s Preferred Distributor for Flameless Heaters
Calgary’s Reding Instruments is proud to be a distributor of flameless heaters from Bruest. The Bruest HotCat is the advanced catalytic infrared alternative to glycol/water line heaters for heating pipelines and protecting regulators.
Engineered to deliver maximum efficiency through direct flameless infrared heating, the safe and noiseless HotCat is emerging as the preferred freeze protection system in upstream, midstream, and downstream applications.
HotCat consists of multiple catalytic infrared heating zones that apply a precise level of heat directly to the custom-engineered heat exchanger. The exchanger is built to ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code; Section VIII, Division 1, and carries a Canadian Registration Number (CRN).
HotCat line heaters are in service with some of North America’s largest distribution and transmission companies, power plants, co-gen facilities, and natural gas producers
Manual Line Heaters: Model Sizes 28,000 to 300,000 BTU/Hr.
This line of space-saving HotCat models may be installed at locations with or without available commercial power. Precise gas temperature is maintained by automatic controls. Zones are manually added or deleted by the operator to match seasonal or major load changes. Fully automatic operation is also available on these models.
Learn more about the manual line.
Fully Automatic Line Heaters: Model Sizes 50,000 to 3,000,000 BTU/Hr.
The fully automatic HotCat line heater is controlled by Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) which monitors gas temperature and modulates fuel supply to hold set temperature during load changes. Heating zones are added or deleted by the PLC to match large load changes. The system may be configured for local control or remote control from a central command centre.
Learn more about the fully automatic line.